The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of European Integration
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to announce an international conference that will be held in the City of Niš, Republic of Serbia, on 18 October, 2013. The aim of the Conference is to create a stimulating environment that allows fruitful debates on various aspects of the global economic crisis and European integration, through enabling open discussion.
Both review and research papers should relate to areas, which include, but are not limited to: Global economic crises and regulation, EU assession: Challenges for EU peripheral countries, EMU perspectives, Public finance and sovereign debt crisis, Social capital, institutions and social inclusion, Marketing, management and leadership, Labour market and human resource management, Financial institutions and financial markets in global environment, Changes in industry and revival of industrial policy, Accounting, auditing and risk management, Mathematical and computational modelling. This time the conference will also host two special sessions:
Roundtable on Public Policy Making in Western Balkans chaired by Dr Margo Thomas (World Bank) and Dr Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Discussion in reflection of the new book to be launched by Springer – Holand. In the academic and policy literature on Western Balkans the coverage of public policy making, including the actors, institutions and various activities is almost non-existent. This volume aims to fill that gap and bring valuable insights into the complex process of policy making and its impact on the reform outcomes in the region.
The Workshop of Jean Monnet E.R.S.G., chaired by Prof. Eleftherios Thalassinos (Piraeus University)
The Workshop of Jean Monnet E.R.S.G. will give elements of progress of the research group members on different aspects of European integration – trade impact, economic integration, political integration, fiscal integration and financial integration and European banking system especially considering states aspiring to EU membership.
and PhD seminar
PhD seminar is a special opportunity for PhD students and candidates to meet and discuss with other doctoral students and internationally renowned researchers. It is devoted to sharing ideas and getting feedback on their work-in-progress of the thesis. All interested in taking part in this event should send their presentations, which will be followed by in-depth discussion.
We are pleased to invite you to give your contribution to the Conference with your papers and active participation during the Conference.
Competitiveness of Companies in Serbia
Following the International Conference “The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of European Integration”, on 19th October, the one-day long scientific event organized jointly by the Serbian Scientific Society of Economists, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade and the Faculty of Economics University of Niš, will be held: Competitiveness of Companies in Serbia.
The purpose of the event is to provide space and time for communication, discussion and idea exchange between researchers, industry leaders and students of economics and management on the topic concerning factors, modes, sources and competitiveness level of Serbian enterprises. It is clear that without the enhancement of enterprises’ competitiveness in Serbia there will be neither the raising of the competitiveness level in the Serbian economy as a whole nor the enhancement of the position of our economy within European and world setting.
Abstracts (in Serbian) limited to 300 words should be submitted by e-mails and Abstracts should be structured as follows: page size 297mm x 210 mm, font Times New Roman 12pt, line spacing single, margins 2,5 cm. The deadline for submitting the abstracts is 1st June 2013.